![]() Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst This award signifies that Jane Roqueplot has achieved the highest level of professional excellence in the use of the DISC instrument produced by Target Training International, Ltd. To receive this certification Ms. Roqueplot demonstrated proven application experience and passed an intensive three-hour examination on the analysis and interpretation of the DISC Behavioral Assessment Reports. |
![]() Certified Electronic Career Coach The CECC is a certification program which teaches up-to-the-minute technology for career coaches. Jane Roqueplot received her certification initially in 2003 through this 16-week program which takes coaches through a rigorous course arming candidates with technological tools to ensure a successful electronic campaign by their clients. Jane continues to meet the annual requirements to maintain her expertise in this constantly changing advanced field. |
![]() Professional Association of Resume Writers Members include independent business owners, as well as non-profit career centers such as colleges and universities, military bases, workforce development offices, and state Departments of Labor. Participation demonstrates an on-going commitment to learning, exchanging ideas and information, and gaining the expertise to best help each client achieve their personal career goals. Working with a PARW/CC member is similar to hiring a personal advertising agency to market you successfully. |
![]() Certified Professional Resume Writer A CPRW designation has demonstrated that these resume writers are among the career industry's leading experts in the development of strategic resumes. The purpose of the resume is to secure a personal interview from among the dozens or hundreds of applicants for a given position. Since 1991, CPRWs have demonstrated their knowledge, talent and writing expertise in meeting the industry standard of excellence and in serving the client's career interests. |
![]() Nationally Certified Resume Writer The "gold standard" in resume certifications, the NCRW is the industry's first renewable resume certification (term is for three-years). Certification must be maintained by clearly demonstrating commitment to current standards and career marketplace knowledge by earning CEUs through conference attendance, courses, publications, etc. |
![]() National Association of Workforce Development Professionals NAWDP is a professional association for individuals working in employment and training and related workforce development programs. Members are dedicated to the professionalism of the career field and to continued development of their skills as qualified practitioners. |
![]() Society for Human Resource Management SHRM is the world's largest professional association devoted to human resource management. It's mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most current and comprehensive resources, and to advance the profession by promoting HR's essential, strategic role. Founded in 1948, SHRM represents more than 225,000 individual members in over 125 countries, and has a network of more than 575 affiliated chapters in the United States, as well as offices in China and India. |
![]() National Resume Writers' Association The National Resume Writers' Association (NRWA) is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of excellence in resume writing through certification, education, and mentoring programs. Members are involved in all aspects of the job search process, including career assessment, and interview / career coaching. NRWA members are committed to continual learning in the career services field, which equates to the utmost professionalism and the highest ethical standards. |
![]() The Career Management Alliance The Alliance is the world's leading and most trusted association of career professionals. Our members represent every sector of the careers industry - career coaching, career counseling, resume writing, outplacement, college and university career development, government and military career transition, human resources and more. Members are educated and committed to enhancing their professional talents to better serve individuals manage their careers and for assist organizations managing their talents. |
![]() Career Directors International CDI is a global professional association whose membership spans all career disciplines and includes resume writers, career coaches and counselors, job developers, recruiters, outplacement specialists, HR practitioners and other specialists from private practice, civil service, academia and military. Members are committed to providing outstanding opportunities and innovations in education, connection, and empowerment to their clients.
![]() Association of Job Search Trainers An international association of professionals practicing in the field of job search training. Services provided by members include: career guidance and planning, job search preparation and strategies, job placement advisement, career transitions support, job performance counseling.
![]() Career Planning & Adult Development Network CPAD is a non-profit International organization of professionals who work with adults in career transition. Members network for continuing education and current trends with other career counselors, career coaches, job search trainers and human resource professionals through its publications, workshops and conferences. |
![]() National Association of Female Executives NAFE, founded in 1972, is the largest women's professional association and the largest women business owners' organization in the country, providing resources and services through education, networking, and public advocacy to empower its members to achieve career success and financial security. |
![]() National Career Development Association NCDA is a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA) with a mission to promote the career development of people. Members are an educational, scientific, and professional resource to clients, dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual and, thus, to the service of society. |
![]() Association of Online Resume and Career Professionals AORCP members are professional internet-based career coaches and resume writers utilizing online technologies. Members serve clients through online communication and technologies by introducing and mastering asynchronous and synchronous methods including web cam technology, instant messaging, e-fax, e-groups, and e-mail. |
![]() Based on her experience and expertise, Jane Roqueplot serves on the leadership team of CDI to help judge and select the best of the best resumes written by the nominated resume writers from around the globe. The best resumes are selected in each of the following categories: International Resume, New Graduate Resume, Creative Resume, Re-entry into the Workforce Resume, Federal Resume, Military Conversion Resume, Executive Resume, Technical Resume, Web Resume, Career Change Resume, Cover Letter, Best Career Web Portfolio, and Professional Resume. |
CWDP Certified Workforce Development Professional Jane Roqueplot first earned her certification in 2003 as a Certified Workforce Development Professional (CWDP). Ms. Roqueplot continues to maintain all requirements to maintain her designation biannually. The CWDP is a nationally recognized credential for individuals who have demonstrated they have the education, training, experience and expertise to provide the highest quality services to our nation's job seekers and businesses. NAWDP has defined ten core competencies that one must have in order to call oneself a "Workforce Development Professional." |